Tour of St. Simon & St. Jude Church


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Inside, you will be able to see the monument, the font, scenes depicted in the stained glass windows.
Drawing of an 11th century chapel
The chapel in Castlethorpe, seen from the north,
as it may have looked in the 11th century with its oak shingle roof.

The Church, is dedicated to the apostles Simon and Jude, but there is evidence from early wills, the first being Christopher Rawlyns 1536, 'my body to be buryed in the church yard of our ladie in castlethorpe' . In 1891 Hawksley Westall, Parish Priest married four couples and on each of the entries in the Marriage Register he wrote 'Marriage solemnized in the Church of Our Lady'. The widow in the Lady Chapel is dated 1897 and is the images are of St. Simon & St. Jude so perhaps the name of the church was changed during 1890s. When the floor of the nave was replaced in 1976, traces were found of Anglo-Saxon beginnings to the building. This is not surprising because Castlethorpe was a Roman and Danish settlement. There is nothing Saxon to be seen in today’s building. This may be because the Normans were following their usual policy of replacing Anglo-Saxon buildings with those of their own style. The oldest surviving part of the Church is the north arcade with its circular column which dates from the late 12th century.

The Church is comparatively small. From the east of the chancel to the west door is a distance of 81 feet (24.7m) and between the walls of the north and south aisles 45 feet (13.7m). The tower is 40 feet (12.2m) high.

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