The Wolverton Express April 13th 1906

Stony Stratford


Friday April 6th 1906

Present: His Grace the Duke of Grafton K.G. (Chairman),

A. Grant-Thorold, Esq., H. J. Conant, Eqs., J. M. Knapp, Esq.,

T. Byam Grounds, Esq., and the Rev. J. T. Athawes.

Alfred Sawbridge, cattle dealer, Hanslope, was charged with using abusive language at Castlethorpe Station on February 15th. The defendant: I plead guilty under protest. The Clerk: Do you mean “Provocation?” Defendant: That will do as well. The Stationmaster, Arthur Chandler, said the defendant came to the station to consign six cattle to himself at Northampton. One of the beast was lying down in a float. The beast was loaded, but witness did not consider one of the beast was able to travel, and he called the defendant’s attention to it. The defendant said it would be all right, and he would take all responsibility. This would be between 7 and 8 a.m. The defendant shortly after left for Northampton. Witness’s attention was again called to the beast, and he decided that one of the beast was unable to travel, and he unloaded it. The beast died on the station premises four hours afterwards. On February 15th the defendant went to the station and used most abusive language. Charles Bird, a porter at Castlethorpe, gave corroborative evidence as to the use of the bad language. The defendant said he considered the Stationmaster had caused him annoyance, and he thought it best to tell him what he thought. Fine and costs £1.