Saturday March 30th 1985

Nature Project

Silver Arrow ? Tree Survey
Baloo takes Gold Arrow to do a Hedge Survey
Mr Ashcroft takes Silver Arrow cubs to do a Tree Survey
Baloo takes Gold Arrow cubs to do a Hedge Survey

We all met at the Headquarters at 9.30 a.m. on a miserable morning but we were not deterred because we had all taken the precaution to dress accordingly. Akela then explained the plans and projects to be undertaken. The surveys would be carried out at this time of year so that we could repeat the exercise in May to see what nature changes had taken place. Bronze Arrow cubs were to undertake a Pond Survey, Silver Arrow – Tree Survey and Gold Arrow – Hedge Survey and specimens and sketches taken. We all set off in our different parties Akela with Bronze, Bagheera and Mr. Ashcroft with Silver and Baloo with Gold determined to do our best in the surveys. The fields chosen were at the rear of Castlethorpe Road.

Akela takes Bronze Arrow cubs to undertake a Pond Survey
Akela takes Bronze Arrow cubs to undertake a Pond Survey

We all returned to the Headquarters at approx 11.0 a.m. laden with specimens and then started to dry and identify them using reference books.
Mr. Trodd had by now joined the Bronze Arrow group to help Akela catch and identify the pond specimens in a hand basin.
All three parties came to the conclusion that further work would have to be undertaken on a Pack night so that our morning's work could be neatly mounted and recorded on display charts. Mr. Ashcroft and Mr. Trodd agreed to come along again and help the leaders in their tasks.
The cub scouts were thanked by the Leaders for their help in carrying out the nature projects, which were part of the Leaders' Advanced Training Course, and we all departed approx 12 o’clock. Akela to change his wet socks and Bagheera to find a more suitable job than surveying for 2 cubs in seven years time when they leave school.

The Party
Bronze Arrow L. Payne, O. Sawbridge, M. Tutin, James Stent (not invested), R. Turvey, N. Trodd, E. Cox
Silver Arrow S. Leathersich, D. Owen, D. Boss, M. Boatwright, D. Fraser, N. Brett, G, Ashcroft
Gold Arrow J. Beazley, J. Stent, M. Wylde, J. Monk, C. Scriven
19 Cubs

Leaders: Akela, Baloo, Bagheera with help from Mr. Ashcroft and Mr. Trodd also Ross Coles (scout) who came during the morning to take photographs.

Akela C.S.L.

Written by Akela - (Robin Coles) - Cub Scout Leader