The British Legion

The Wolverton Express January 13th 1928

British Legion. To wind up one of the most successful year’s work of the Castlethorpe Branch of the British Legion a very happy social gathering was held in the Councils Schools on New Year’s Eve, attended by members and friends. There were between 70 and 80 present. The programme of the evening comprised a short whist drive, dancing, games, and musical items. Mr. Masterman was M.C., with the assistance of Messrs. A. Burbidge and C. Harding. The dance music was supplied by Messrs. H. H. Middleton, jun, and Miss B. Panter. Songs were well rendered by Messrs. A. Burbidge. J. Nichols, E. Bates, H. H. Middleton, A. Masterman, and a violin solo by Miss Rawlinson. In the whist drive and competitions the prize winners were Mesdames M. Mills, B. Gobbey, and W. Worker, Messrs. Gobbey, E. Bates, C. Harding, R. Panter, A. Markham, and W. Markham. Refreshments were nicely served during the evening by Miss Burbidge, Mrs. Wingrave and Mrs. Gibbons.