The British Legion

The Wolverton Express 1 November 1929

Whist Drive. The second whist drive of the season, organised by the Castlethorpe branch of the British Legion, took place on Friday evening last in the Council Schools, when there were 68 players taking part. Mr. A. Masterman was the M.C. with the assistance of Mr. W. D. Markham. The prize winners were: Ladies, 1 Mrs. Mobley, mystery prizes Mrs. Eakins and Miss Reynolds: gentlemen, 1 Mr. A. Bavington, 2 Mr. R Panter, lowest score Mr. H. Cook, mystery prizes Mr. J. Pittam and Mr. C. Pittam. Refreshments were served by Miss E. Burbidge, assisted by Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. Worker, and Mrs. Limbrey. One of the ladies prizes was given by Mrs. Foster,