Castlethorpe School Log Book 1894

Jany 8 Re-opened 88 present
Jany 12 Attendance, considering the weather, very few. Average for the week 92
Jany 16 W. H. George first appearance for 3 months. Absent under medical order
Jany 19 Good attendance this week Rose Gates has been absent for 4 weeks. Attendance Officer reports. She is waiting on her mother who is ill.
Mrs. Brearley reports that J. Gobby and Hy Dolling are very backward and quite a drag upon the successful work of Standard II
Jany 22 E. Smith (I Stand) came this morning after an absence of 5 weeks through illness. She is much below the work of her class.
Jany 29 Attendance very good indeed 93% in average attendance. The II Class is excellent 100% this and 99% last week.
A. E. Day ( P. T.) does her lessons very well but her teaching, as yet, is not a success.
Jany 31 Monthly Examination
Arithmetic: not as good a result as previous month, due, I think, to more difficult sums. 6 with all their sums correct.
Reading: Fairly good. Stand II made very well indeed. Stand III very badly.
Writing: Good Stand II is improving. In the two class subjects the school is making good progress, but as yet, is not as good as desirable. The scholars in 1st class are very fond of map drawing and some have taken to …ing them.
Feb 5 Rose Gates still absent
Feb 12 Poor attendance this morning. I think there are several cases with trivial excuses
Feb 19 From want of water the offices have not been cleaned as usual, though disinfectants have been freely used.
Feb 23 I visited the school, tested the register. One girl who was absent was accidentally marked present. With this exception everything was quite correct. W. J. Harkness Member of the Board
Feb 27 Monthly Examination
Result: On the whole fairly satisfactory. There are one or two cases where the work seems to press and who require re-classification
Feb 28 Tested the ordinary work of I and II class Infants. The 1st Class are going on very well with exception of Jos. Gobby and W. Bennett - two very slow children. The 2nd class reads very poorly. Just lately we have admitted several children - 3 years old - and this seems to upset the work with the 5's and 6's.
Mar 5 Rose Gates returned after an absence of 10wks
Mar 9 W. H. Geary has been present 10 times and R. Gates 9
Mar 12 Received Medals for Stand VI drawing
Mar 7 Master absent in morning - bad cold
Mar 17 Good attendance this week. Av. 99.6
Mar 22 Closed for Easter Holiday.
Excellent attendance this week. Av. 100.3
Percentage in average attendance 94.3
Have water on premises now. Offices cleaned
Mar 28 Re - opened with a fair attendance
Apr 9 Admitted two infants bring total in this class to 39
Apr 11 Monthly Examination
The results on the whole are satisfactory. Stand II reading is particularly god, while there are several in Stand III rather backward in this respect. I have therefore arranged for the worst readers in these two classes to be grouped.
Apr 14 P. T. Examination at Fenny Stratford A. C. Day present for 1st Year Examination
Apr 17 I have been obliged to put Rose Gates and T. Marks in Stand III. The former was nearly three months absent and got hopelessly behind, and the latter is generally backward in his work.
Apr 20 Average this week 105. Best since school was opened.
Apr 24 Miss Gregory absent through illness
May 2 I visited the school this afternoon, tested the registers and found everything correct. W. J. Harkness Member of the Board
May 9 Rose Gates left 13 yrs old.
May 11 Closed school for Whitsuntide Holiday
May 21 Reopened 98 present
Received preliminary notice of Drawing Exam 32 boys to be presented
May 28 I visited the school this afternoon, tested the registers and found everything correct. W. J. Harkness Member of Board
May 30 Mrs. Brearley absent. P. T. took charge of Standards I and II
June 4 82 present a very bad morning.
Received forms for 'Annual' Examination
June 7 Miss Gregory absent this afternoon
June 12 Received notice of date of Ann Ex. Uppers July 18 Infants July 25
June 13 Examined some of the work of the Infants. The slate work of the 1st Class is good and the reading of the girls is very creditable. They are backward in their recitations and oral and can only be got from a few of the best. The preponderance of babies many of whom have recently come, handicaps the teacher in her work with 5's and 6's.
June 15 Good attendance for the week.
Begun to have weekly exams.
June 18 Drawing Exam: is on June 27th
June 21 Had exam: in drawing. Most of the boys did very well indeed. They evidently like this part of their work.
Mrs. Brearley returned to school.
June 27 Drawing Exam: visit of Inspector. Holiday in afternoon.
June 29 Friday. Last day of School year. Average for year 96.8 - last year 94.
July 2 Commenced new Attendance Registers.
The weather is very hot and work in School suffers. I understand the oldest boy and girl are leaving before the exams.
July 6 R. Panter has just returned to school after an absence of 16 weeks and I have been obliged to give him II Stand work. Also Fred Nichols does not get on in reading and spellings I shall present both in a lower standard of work
July 9 A. E. Day absent by leave.
July 10 I have transferred the names of J. Gobbey Alf Kightley and Amy G. Denney to Stand I register. They are backward but their ages qualify them for that standard.
July 17 Good attendance Annie Geary is leaving village for short time. Mary Simpson still ill. They will not be at the Examination

List of Songs
1 When the rosy morn (Round)
2 Convent Bells (2 part)
3 Awake hail the morn (2 part)
4 Sleighing Song (2 part)
5 The dawn of day (unison)
6 Come with me where flowers (2 pts)

Poetry for 1894 & 5
IV etc. The building of the ship (Longfellow)
III The Well of St. Keyne (Southey)
II The Kitten and the falling leaves (Wordworth)
I Employment

IV etc. British Colonies etc.
III England & Bucks
II Definitions etc.
I Plans, map, points

List of Object Lessons
The same as on page 21 of this book.

July 20 I have tested the Registers and found correct. Thomas Osborne Clk.
July 23 Attendance only 93. Wet morning.
July 26 Arranged children in new standards.
July 27 Holiday
July 31 Attendance gone down since 3 have left bringing total on register to 109. Drawing 'Good'
Aug 6 Bank Holiday
Aug 10 Closed school for one month's holiday
Aug 14 Copy of the Report of Her Majesty's Inspector for the year ending June 30 1894
Mixed School ' The Upper School has acquitted itself most creditably in both the elementary and class subjects.
Note singing is well taught; intelligence is a very strong feature. The girls sew well and the order is first - rate.
The general condition of the School is eminently satisfactory.'
Infant's Class 'The infants have made satisfactory progress during the first year and now form a good division.'
A. Gregory is continued under Article 68 of the Code'
A. E. Day has passed fairly but should attend to Geography and History
Sep 17 Re-opened School. Holiday Extended one week on account of late harvest.
Sep 20 Attendance very poor. 8 out of 15 in the 1st Class are absent.
Adopted new Hymns for Religious Observances
Sep 28 Commenced practising for Annual Concert
Oct 19 Attendance very good this week Av 107
Oct 22 H. B. Richardson not present since holiday - under 13 and not passed standard for exemption
Nov 5 Successful Annual Entertainment and Distribution of Prizes and Certificates on Nov 2 and 3
Holiday this afternoon on act of 'feast'
Nov 15 Held first monthly exam: throughout upper school. The work in general was not done as well as expected - routine of week somewhat broken by preparation for above mentioned concert
Nov 23 Drawing test. Stands I and II backward. Only one boy in Standard VI
Dec 14 Good attendance this week especially in Infants. Average 110 out of 115
Adopted Crayon colouring for maps
Dec 17 Have examined the Registers and found correct Thomas Osborne Clk.
Dec 18 Half-day holiday on account of Parish Council Election
Dec 19 Monthly examination
Dec 20 Closed for Christmas Holidays