The Centre for Buckinghamshire Studies We 38 211

Richard Parrott the elder 1650/1

In the name of God Amen the Eight Day of June in the year of our Lord God One thousand Six Hundred and ffifty I Richard Parrott of Castell Thropp in the County of Bucks blacksmith, being in perfect Memory (blessed be Almightie God) Doe hereby make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme followinge; ffirst and principally I commend my Soule into the hands of Allmighty God and my Body to be decently buryed in the Church yarde of Castle Thrope aforesaid by my Executor, Item I give and bequeath to my eldest sonne Richard Parrott all my Tooles in the Shopp at Hanslope where he now dweleth, Item I give and bequeath to my Eldest Daughter Anne Leech my five bedd Curtains and the Sume of Ten pounds of lawfull English money to be paid to her the said Anne within one year next after the decease of Alce my Wife, Item I give unto my youngest Daughter Alce Parrott the Sume of Tenn pounds of like lawfull English money to be paid within two yeares next after my said wives decease Item I further give and bequeath unto the said Alce my daughter my bedstead standing in the Parlour, my ffeatherbedd, two of the best blankets a payre of the fynest sheets, two Pillowes and a boulster the best Coverledd, two table Clothes and two Platters and a Chest standing in the Loding Chamber and the lesser brasse pott which said goods to the said Alce soe bequeathed my will is that my wife shall have the use of them during the term of her naturall life; Item my minde and will is that my executor shall att their owne Costs and charges well and sufficiently keepe mayntaine and bring up my Grandchilde Anne Parrott the daughter of my sonne Bartholomew for and during the terme of Six yeares next after my decease, or els if the said childe Doth not continue with my said Executors as aforesaid my will is that my said Executors shall pay for the keeping of the said child fforty shillings of lawfull English money yearly during for longe tyme of the said Six yeares as the said child shall not be kept by my Executors as aforesaid, Item I give and bequeath to my said sonne Richard Parrott the summe of twelve Pound of lawfull English money, Item I give and bequeath to my said sonne Richards foure Children foure shillings of lawfull English money to be equally devided among them; Item my Will and meaning is that my said youngest daughter Alce shelbe kept and maintained by my Executors During the term of the naturall life of my wife; Item I give and bequeath to my youngest sonne John Parrott all my Tooles in my shop in Castell Throp aforesaid, the Joynedd bedd wherein I lye one payre of sheets the biggest brasse Pott the Cubbard in the Hall and the Coffer in the Chamber which hee himselfe useth; Item I give and bequeath to my said sonne John and my daughter Alce the table with the fframe standing in the Hall, a Joyned forme, and two Joyned Stooles to be equally to be devided between them.

The marke of the said Richard Parrott

Item I give and bequeath to my Wife, all the residue of my brasse Pewter and illeg that remayneth unbequeathed; Item All the residue of my moveable goods and Chattles whatsoever; and not herein given and bequeathed I doe hereby give and bequeath unto my said wife and my sonne John whom I make and ordaine my Executors of this my Last Will and Testament, hereby Revoking all former Wills by me made, And my Will minde and meaning is that my Wife shall Cohabite and dwell with my sonne John in my now dwelling house during the terme of her naturall lyfe. Item my will minde and meaning is that my Acre and halfe of land lying in the feild called Long Deane, And my Three lands lying by the Pitts in Bullington End field, shalbee solde for the payment and discharge of my Debts and Legacyes. And As concerning all my Leases of any of my Lands I doe hereby devise and bequeath them to my said sonne John Parrott and to his executors and assigns, And for and concerning my other Estate of this my Messuage with the appurtenances which reste in others I doe hereby devise to my saide sonne John and his heirs and assigns to be devised by their or some of their appointments And I doe hereby intreate my loveing friends Nichollas Rawlins and my sonne in Law Richard Leech to be Overseers of this my last Will and Testament; In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the day and yeare first before written in the presence of those whose names are hereunto subscribed

The marke of the said Richard Parrott
Witnesses names
Edward Rawlins
The marke of Richard Leech
Richard Parratt

Probate 8th January 1651