The Centre for Buckinghamshire Studies We 31 183 Wf 32 11

David Risley 1637

The last will and Testament of nuncupative of David Risley late while he lived of Castlethropp in the County and Archdeaconry of Bucks Deceased
The sayd David Risley beinge of sound and perfect remembrance did upon the satturday before Candlemas day last Ano dni 1636 make his last Will and Testament nuncupative or by word of mouth as followeth viz ffirst he gave his soule to Almightye god and his bodye to be buryed, and he gave to his eldest daughter ffrancis the blossome bullock, All the rest of his goods and Chattells he gave to his wife Thomazine for her to bringe up his children.
In the presence of Allen Mabley and Christopher Stonebridge

Sign Christopher Stonebridge

Note: Candlemas Day February 2nd
Candlemas has been celebrated for hundreds of years and it was the custom on Candlemas Day for clergy to bless candles and distribute them to the people. Candlemas Day was therefore celebrated as the festival of candles - a bright light in the middle of a cold, dark winter when a lighted candle was placed in every window. Candlemas falls between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox and was originally a Pagan celebration.