Stoke Goldington Millennium Wall Hanging

The Main Canvas

Getting it together

By July 2001, all but 3 of the houses had been sewn. The completed individual houses were trimmed round the edge ready for putting into place ... completed houses trimmed
Phase 1
Phase 2
Main Canvas
Working in the fields
Other features
Phase 3
The Borders
Phase 4

This site is hosted by MK Heritage Association

Recorded in the database of the National Needlework Archive

...our designer, Kay Thompson, laid them onto a full sized plan in their proper position. When complete this cartoon was used to trace elements into their correct positions on the four pieces of canvas using a grid system.
Laying out houses on the cartoon

... so that during the summer of 2001, the project committee could tack then each house in its correct position onto one of the four separate strips that would eventually be joined to make up the whole wall hanging.

This canvas is 12 hpi (holes per inch), larger than that for the houses, which is 16 hpi.

Each house had a layer of padding between it and the main canvas to raise it from the background.

Houses stitched on the canvas

Houses stitched on the canvas
Sewing on the Main Canvas
Sewing on the main canvas

Once in position, the infilling could begin in earnest.

After a summer break in 2001, the stitchers started again with renewed energy. getting together about three times a week.

Behind us, you can see the cartoon to which we constantly referred for stitch type and colour in each field.

up arrowto the top

The site is maintained by Project Leader of the Stoke Goldington Millennium Stitchers.