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St Laud's Church Tour - Inside

St Laud's Church
Inside Tour
Select a number on the plan
Key to the colour scheme and numbers1 - Start the tour - Entrance2 - Porch3 - South Aisle4 - War Memorials5 - Font6 - West Window and Nave7 - North Aisle8 - Dais pulpit and Screens9 - Choir Stalls10 - Organ11 - East Window and High Altar12 - Vestry13 - Sedilia and Squint Window14 - South Aisle15 - Exit Church plan
Outside Tour

Click here to go to 12 - Vestry

13 - The Sedilia and Squint Window

Click here to go to 14 - South Aisle

Returning to the Chancel and Sanctuary from the Vestry, there are two interesting features in front of you: the Sedilia and the Squint window.

In the south wall within the Sanctuary Is a Sedilia, a stone seat for the clergy. At its present level one can imagine that it would have been very uncomfortable to use. In fact, since it was used the level of the Chancel has been raised. This was probably at the time of the Reverend King's restoration.

Squint window

In the south-west wall is a small window or "squint" pierced into the buttress of the Tower. Its unusual shape leads to the suggestion that it may have been a window for the dispensing of alms or bread to the poor or to lepers. It is so placed to provide a clear view of the altar from the church yard. The stained glass picture is of Saint Laud.

Click here to go to 12 - Vestry


Click here to go to 14 - South Aisle

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Latest Revision: 29 December 2006