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SHS Meeting Minutes 102


Notes from the Sherington Historical Society Committee Meeting No. 102
Held on the 24th March, 2009


Present: Kay Turrell, Pearl Teasdale and Sheila Quinn.

Apologies: Mark Vale and Caroline Leslie.

The minutes of meeting 101 were agreed and signed by KT.

E-mails: The following emails have been received:

From Alan Garratt: Advising us of his blog site

From Janet Bishop: Enquiring about the Joyce family of Sherington.

From Michael Franklin: Congratulating the Society on the website.

From Kim: Enquiring about Joyce and Watts families. SAQ to acknowledge and suggest she visits our Open Day on the 3rd October.

From Rita Thompson: Enquiring about Spencer Rainbow born in Water Lane. SAQ to reply suggesting she contacts the Newport Pagnell Historical Society. Email also to be shown to Philip Smith.

From Roy Smith: Regarding the Dryden Smiths of Sherington. SAQ to email suggesting he comes to the Family History meeting in April.

There were also 5 emails asking for advice on the value of various Paul Mann paintings. SAQ to acknowledge them advising that we cannot help and to pass them to Julia Wilson, Paul’s daughter.

April Meeting: Rex Watson, co-chairman of the Bucks Family History Group has advised PT that Colin Robert and Vivian Dryer (?) will come to the meeting and give advice on family history. Rex Watson will come if he is able to and will bring their “Bucks Names Program”, which is on his computer.

May Day Stall: The usual items of cards, notelets and photographs will be on sale for the May Day event on The Knoll.

Treasurer’s Report: PT reported that 23 members have paid their 2009/2010 subs. Reminders, together with a copy of the 2009/2010 program will be sent to those members who have not yet paid.


Joyce Tranter has given us a full set of SCAN. Copies that are not wanted by us will be passed to the North Crawley Historical group.

The Citizen newspaper is no longer delivered to households in the village. Instead it is left in the shop – we need to find out whether or not it has now to be paid for and, if so, do we want to pay for a copy in order to get the “Around the Villages” column!

The Newport Pagnell Historical Society’s walk around Sherington with Philip Smith is on the 21st July. The date is on our own program and KT has booked the village hall for refreshments.

Ray Bailey and Philip Smith are organising a walk to Tyringham Church on Sunday, 5th July. Barry Clayton has agreed to give us a short talk on Tyringham and Sir John Soane. The walk will leave the Knoll at 2pm. Arrangements subject to the weather!

Gail Wood has completed the reorganisation of the Village photograph files. She will now commence on the Buildings files.

The meeting closed at 9:25pm
The next committee meeting will be on Tuesday, 28th April


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Latest Revision: 12 May 2009