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SHS Meeting Minutes 26


SHS Committee Meeting.

Tuesday 23rd April 2002.

Apologies: Pearl Teasedale.

Present: Norman Arnold, Mark Vale & Sheila Quinn.

Les Milnes’ Funeral, Norman & Anita attended Les’s funeral. A condolence card was sent to Eileen & family on the societies behalf.

1) Finances. Mark handed a cheque for £25-00 to Betty Feasey at the recent ‘Scan’ charity event in the village hall. Betty expressed her thanks for this donation. MV reports that the bank balance stands at £1,141 in credit. Reminders have been sent to 5 members whose membership fees are outstanding. To date there have been no replies.

2) Afternoon History. This, it was agreed, was a most satisfactory afternoon with a great PR benefit to the SHS. Several old villagers supplied photos & information. Financially it cost SHS the paltry sum of £2-50, far outweighed by the benefit. It was significantly noted that members of the public stayed much longer.

3) Walk an Talk. Tuesday 11th June, meeting at the village hall at 7-15pm for a 7-30pm start. The walk to last approx. 2hrs, returning to the village hall where coffee & biscuits will be made available. A charge of £1-00 will be made for non-members. NA will speak to Philip Smith regarding numbers. SAQ thought 50, MV thought 35 ish. A compromise will be sought.

4) "Bring & Copy". SAQ suggested a bring & copy table be available at the village fete to enable SHS to copy & record photos & papers that the public will be encouraged to bring along. This will be done instantly & returned to the owners. The possibility of a mail shot will explored. A leaflet will be designed.

5) MK Heritage Exhibition. The exhibition that was planned for Middleton Hall had to be postponed at the last minute, due to contractural difficulties. However we do now have the promise of the model of the village pump used in the ‘Son et Lumiere’ production. Our Logo.

6) Web-Site. Mark & Norman have both been working on the up-graded tour of St Lauds, which will again link into the village tour web site. Norman has produced a simplified plan of the church showing the various ages of its parts. SAQ suggested that photos of the various rectors should be shown. Kay & Ollie are putting together a photographic record of the Pre-School group.

7) MK Heritage At Risk Policy. NA has read the draft & had a minor comment about the weekly planning lists from MK planning office. He suggested that it would be a more streamlined arrangement for MKHA to check the lists & to inform the relevant societies. SAQ is to read the draft & pass to MV.

The meeting closed at 9-45pm. Thanks were expressed to SAQ for her hospitality & to MV for the bottle of wine quaffed. NA.


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