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SHS Meeting Minutes 34


Sherington Historical Society AGM,

Tuesday11TH March, 2003 IN Sherington Village Hall.

Present: Norman Arnold, Sheila Quinn, Mark Vale, Don Macfarlane, Irene Macfarlane, Enid Pepper, Anita Arnold, Kay Turrell, Sheila Line, Jess Line, David Coe & Philip Smith.

Apologies: Helen Vale, Oliver Powell, Ella Field, Pearl Teasdale, Avril Atkinson, Jacqui Inskipp, Howard Dalton & Alan & Anne Barber.

Norman opened the meeting at just after 8pm. Copies of the minutes of the 2002 AGM were given to each member present and Norman asked if everyone was satisfied that they were a true and accurate record. Acceptance was proposed by Kay Turrell and seconded by Don Macfarlane.

Chairman’s Report: A copy of the chairman’s report is attached. The following points were made:-

a) Norman expressed his thanks, together with that of the Society to Alan and Ann Barber, who have very kindly given us their old photocopier.

b) David Coe asked about the current membership numbers. Norman replied that we currently have 28 members.

Treasurer’s Report: Every member had a balance sheet on the reverse of which Mark had printed his report. We have a very healthy balance of £1,088.96. Mark expressed his thanks to Pearl Teasdale for auditing the accounts. Pearl has kindly agreed to audit next year’s accounts. Mark pointed out that we have now completed a full year of meeting in the Village Hall, which adds to our expenditure and that we have also purchased some assets, such as a Laminator and a Comb Binder.

He ended his statement by reminding members that 2003 subs are now due and asked that his report be accepted.

Before the accounts were accepted by the meeting, David Coe asked whether the accounting date was correct - they were dated 1st March 2002 to 31st December 2002. Once this had been rectified to read 1st January 2002 to 31st December 2002 their acceptance was

proposed by Enid Pepper and seconded by David Coe.

Secretary’s Report: Sheila again did not have much to report except to apologise to Norman for her frequent absences from duty caused by moving house and other family commitments.

Election of Chairman, Secretary & Treasurer: Nominations were invited but as none were forthcoming, Norman, Sheila, Mark & Pearl agreed to stand for a further term. Their re-election was proposed by Irene Macfarlane and seconded by Anita Arnold.

Matters Arising:

  1. The donation that we made to Scan has been gratefully received and acknowledged.
  2. Norman, Helen & Kay manned a stall for the Clutch Club on the Knoll Mayday celebrations in order to raise some working capital for Clutch Club. David Coe asked what the Clutch Club was and Norman & Kay explained it to him. (Note: Clutch Club was set up by the Open University to promote computer literacy in First Schools and involved both pupils and parents. Each group/school chose a topic and produced a website. Sherington School focused on holidays and how people of an earlier generation spent them (if at all!) )
  3. Norman reported that there has been no further news of the proposed production by Gill Burgess and the "Sax" player. He commented that Enid’s suggestion of a "50 year" project could be reconsidered. Enid was of the opinion that the moment had been lost.
  4. Following the success of our Afternoon of History last year, we are to join forces with the Thursday Club on the Monday 25th August in the Village Hall. Thursday group will be holding a coffee/tea morning in aid of a charity yet to be decided upon and SHS will have a display of the archives in the morning & for the rest of the day. The cost of hiring the hall will be shared between us.
  5. Kay asked about the 2003 Fete and, in particular, had we received a response to our request for covered accommodation. It appears that there will be sufficient covered space but we will need to know how much is to be allocated to us. It was suggested that we have a theme again for this year’s display. Jesse Line suggested Sherington in the 2nd World War.
  6. Sheila Q reported that she had heard from Rene & Ernie Ricket’s daughter, Lindsay Gasper that she had organised an exhibition of some of her late father’s photographs and that £200 had been raised from the sale of some of them. The money had been donated to an orphanage in India, where it would feed the 48 children in care there for 6 months.
  7. Phil Smith commended the Society on the manner in which it was "rolling along"
  8. Norman expressed his thanks to Philip Smith & to Peter Gardner for being the original collectors and archivists of Sherington and it’s inhabitants and for now sharing their collections with us.
  9. Don Macfarlane also expressed his thanks and appreciation to the committee. Enid agreed.
  10. Thanks were expressed to Anita & Kay for the provision of refreshments at each meeting.

A.O.B. There not being any other business the meeting closed at 8-40pm. & members spent their remaining time in examining the archives & in discussions.


Next committee meeting will be on April 1st.

The next general meeting will be Philip Smith's "Bygones" evening, on April 8th at 8 pm.



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