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SHS Meeting Minutes 37


Sherington Historical Soc.

Committee Meeting 8pm May 27th 2003.

33 Crofts End.

Present:- Norman Arnold, Mark Vale & Pearl Teasdale

Apologies :- Sheila Quinn.

1. Representatives. SAQ thought it would be beneficial to the society and the archives to have an unofficial representative in each organisation in the village, to collect any data that might be otherwise lost. Posters events, photos etc.

2. C.V.O. SAQ stated that she had received the receipt from CVO.

3. Village Fete. Setting up would be from 10am, to open at Noon until 5 pm. We still needed contributions for exhibiting. Volunteers to be canvassed for, at the next general meeting. Norman to purchase some collapsible plastic containers to transport the archives from the village hall etc. But very little information was being passed to us from the organising committee..

4. Deanshanger. Norman had made a visit to an Historical Meeting, held by Deanshanger Village Heritage Soc. Various ideas were gained from this. (See the separate sheet).

5. Visitors Book. Norman to purchase a suitable visitors and comments book, for use at exhibitions, displays etc.

6. Events. It was thought that to attract younger members of the village, 25 to 45 age group, parents of younger children, it may be good idea to push modern events more. Examples, the May Day, school sports events and pre-school outings. Events with young children involved. This could make exhibitions more attractive to the younger parents and possibly the society.

7. Themes. A further theme for an exhibition could be Sheringtonians around the world. We have many members of the village around the world and if we could contact these people by E-mail and also obtain photos, this would improve our modern image.

Meeting closed at 10-45. Thanks to Pearl for hosting the meeting and the refreshments.



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