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SHS Meeting Minutes 77



Held at Pearl Teasdale’s, 33 Croft’s End, 8th January, 2007

Present: Mark Vale, Pearl Teasdale, Kay Turrell and Sheila Quinn.

Apologies: Caroline Leslie

We did not formally appoint a Chairman for the evening.

The minutes of the previous meeting (No. 76) were approved.

Matters Arising:

Welcome Pack: SAQ used the article that Norman Arnold originally wrote for the November Scan article (but didn’t use) for our January article! Mark has not received any enquiries from village organisations and it was decided that a short letter be written to each organisation inviting their participation. When completed, a copy will be delivered to each household. Mark has approached MKHA regarding some funding but we will probably have to produce some estimated costs before getting any response.

Christmas Cards Commission: Our sales of Christmas cards have been successful again this year and commission payments of £13.10 and £3.75 are due to The Virginia Stores and Angelica Braid, respectively.

MKHA Meeting on the 9th December, 2006. KT and SAQ attended the meeting at the City Discovery Centre and reported to the rest of the Committee. SAQ produced a short written report, a copy of which was given to each Committee member. MKHA are holding a Heritage Weekend covering the 4th – 6th September, 2007. It is hoped that many of the members will have activities during that time but we decided that it is best for SHS to keep to our regular Open Day date of the last Saturday in September (this year, the 29th) as it has proved to be a successful date for US. Holidays are over and schools have all returned. It will also give villagers the opportunity of visiting the other events throughout the City and surrounding areas. There is a further meeting/workshop on the 27th January at Bletchley Park which KT hopes to attend. PT may possibly accompany her.

EMAIL FROM IAN COLLINGE: SAQ has received an email from Ian and gave a copy to each committee member. KT is to look for any relevant correspondence regarding the British Library question and provide IC with copies. Regarding the whereabouts of the original Edith Lucus paintings and any copyright on them; we believe them to be in the safe keeping of Christine Bearman and that they were originally given to the village by the family of Edith Lucus. PT thought that at some point they were given to the School as “the village” didn’t really know what to do with them! The School displayed some and then Christine Bearman took them in hand and organised copies which were framed and are on display in the VH and were also made available for villagers to purchase. (The originals were displayed at a special exhibition in the VH prior to being put into safe keeping) We doubt if anyone holds copyright but we did originally seek permission from the PC in 2002 to use them to produce notelets for sale.

JANUARY DINNER AT THE SWAN: On the day of the Committee meeting KT had received the meal choices of 12 members. Members are to be asked for their menu choices at the General Meeting on the 9th January. SAQ will then be able to take them to Angi at the Swan.

2007 PROGRAM: It has been decided to run the program April-March and so far we have three suggestions:

Waddesdon Manor, A talk on the Boat Builders of Stony Stratford by Neil Louden and a meeting with a “tracing your family tree” theme. Mark has received an email from MKHA giving details of The Living Archive Band who perform (for free!!) in the Milton Keynes area singing folk law songs based on the area. It will possibly be a good idea to phone and ask for details.

PT suggested that we ask the members at tomorrow’s meeting if they have any suggestions or preferences.

SEPTEMBER OPEN DAY: We have to start thinking about a subject for the 29th September Open Day. Both the school and preschool have anniversaries to celebrate this year but it was felt that we should have a different subject. SAQ suggested “Feasts and Fun”. PT suggested that we ask the members if they have any ideas.

LOG BOOKS: We still do not know the whereabouts of the School Log Books. Norman borrowed them for transcription in 2004 and we are not sure if he returned them. Mark is to make enquiries at the school and if they do not have them we will have to ask Anita for permission to look in Norman’s Workshop.

We do have a borrowed book register for use when we loan books to individuals. It was decided that we register books that the Society borrow from others. Books must be registered both in and out.

STATIONERY: More Edith Lucus notelets are needed. However, we need the “notelet file” from Norman’s computer.

KT has received a request for a pack of Caroline’s thankyou notelets without the word Thankyou!

We need to replenish our stock of “Murder” books. Betty Feasy is to be asked for the name of the printers of Scan.

SAQ asked how much we should charge for the 2 Edith Lucus prints supplied to the people at 2 Griggs Orchard. A price of £5 was decided upon.

TREASURER’S REPORT: PT gave each member a copy of the 1 January, 2006 – 31st December, 2006 showing a balance of £1,944.15p. £1,516.38 is on deposit with the Nationwide Building Society and it was decided to nominate that as our “Building Fund”. Pearl is to enquire at the HSBC Bank about an account that may pay a higher rate of interest.

COMMITTEE MEETINGS: Future Committee meetings will be held on the fourth Tuesday of each month.

GENERAL MEETINGS: MV suggested that archive filing which needs to be done can be carried out at the General Meetings. SAQ thought that members should first become familiar with the files.

KT asked if all photographs and information should be scanned into the computer. PT suggested that it might cause a lot of extra work but KT thought that the idea of having the computer was to eventually have all the records on computer and CD.

AOB: The Old Rectory: Oliver was given a 2 hour guided tour of the Old Rectory by Jeremy Hine, who also allowed him to take photographs internally. Mr. Hine also gave Oliver a copy of the sale brochure.

The meeting closed at 10pm with our thanks to Pearl for her hospitality.

The next meeting will be held at 24 School Lane on the 30th January at 7:30pm.


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Latest Revision: 28 January 2007