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SHS Meeting Minutes 78



Wednesday, 31st January, 2007 at 24 School Lane

Present: Mark Vale, Kay Turrell and Sheila Quinn.

Apologies: Pearl Teasdale and Caroline Leslie

The minutes of the previous meeting held on the 8th January were approved.

Matters Arising:

Christmas Card Commission: KT asked if we could confirm with PT that the commission due to Virginia Stores and Angelica Braid has been paid.

Edith Lucas Copyright: We have not been able to make any progress with the question of who holds the copyright of Edith Lucas’ paintings of Sherington (if anyone). It was decided that we take no further action.

End of matters arising.

2007-8 PROGRAM: Sheila has spoken to Marion of regarding booking the band for an evening meeting. Marion sent Sheila a CD of the band, together with some literature; the CD was played during the meeting. They do not charge a fixed fee but accept whatever expenses are offered! Bletchley Archaeology Group paid them £20 whereas The Two Villages paid over £200!! They did, however, charge £5 a ticket. Mark and Sheila suggested that we hold a meeting with the band playing for half the time and Philip Smith sitting comfortably recounting some of his memories. It was thought that the band would appreciate this format as they, apparently, enjoy listening to local stories – ideas for their songs. SAQ to try booking a date for next February. A fee of £50 was considered to be the amount that we could afford.

Mark has spoken to Neil Louden of MKHA regarding a talk he gives on the Stony Stratford Boat Builders. It is hoped that we can book Neil for the October meeting.

KT has received a booklet listing a series of talks that xx gives. Some were considered to be of interest to the Society but others were on Scottish subjects.

She has also been given the name of xx, who talks on Old and Victorian bottles.

At present the program looks as follows:

March	AGM
April	General Meeting
May	Family History Workshop
June	-
July	Historical Walk in Grafton Regis
August	No meeting
September	Open Day Prep
29th September	Open Day
October		possible Neil Louden
November	Talk and Slide Show by Ray Bailey on Salmons
December	Christmas Party meeting
January		-
	Annual Dinner
February	-

SAQ suggested and the other members of the Committee agreed that the program be published in Scan as soon an possible. It could be accompanied by a short village quiz.

Stationery: We need to concentrate on producing a new supply of notelets for stock ready for the May Day celebrations on the Knoll. Caroline Leslie has produced a set of paintings based on the children at Sherington school playing traditional games to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the opening of the new school building. We will be able to produce sets of notelets for sale.

Welcome Pack: Mark has received an enquiry from the Parish Council about having an entry in the Welcome Pack

It was decided that we should approach each organisation and ask if they would like to submit an entry. The list was divided between Kay, Mark and Sheila, with Kay having the greater part of the list.

MKHA Workshop: KT and MV attended a workshop at Bletchley Park. It was intended for groups intending to take part in the Heritage Open Days in early September. Mark and Helen felt that it did not benefit SHS as we are not taking part


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Latest Revision: 10 February 2007