This year the Georgian Garden Party was held on Sunday, August 4th.
Despite the threat of storm clouds, the day stayed relatively fine and warm, the sun shone for most of the time and the party goers - all 72 of them, enjoyed themselves in the gardens of the museum on Sunday, August 4th. They were treated to excellent poetry readings of a great variety - all selected by the readers - and music played on a portable organ with voice accompaniments.
The gardens were looking particularly good and were graced by Olney's Floral Queen and her attendants. The children had treasure hunts, trails and games; teas were handed out while Ian's Pimm's Bar did a good trade. Gazebos, umbrellas ( the garden sort) lent an air of festivity to the gardens and the proceedings were admirably brought together by the MC, Basil Margrave, resplendent in a Georgian gentleman's attire. Quizes, a draw and the prize winner of the art competition were all rewarded by the Queen while guided tours of the museum took place throughout the afternoon.
A handsome profit was made which will contribute to the Appeal Fund and it was good to hear of the pleasure and enjoyment received by our guests. The Project Team is very grateful to all readers, musicians and Basil who contributed so tremendously to the success of the afternoon.