Museum sign
The Cowper and Newton Museum
Heritage Open Day 2001
The Heritage Open Day was held on September 9th. (Photos to be added soon!).Again it proved to be very successful with a range of activities for the (non-paying) visitors. These activities started at 11-00am, finishing officially at 4.30, although the last visitors left around 4.50. It was an excellent day for celebrating the completion of the restoration works, with members of Shanks Waste Services and Olney Town Council attending in the morning. We voiced our thanks to them for their kind and valuable donations. John Wright, the surveyor of JGP Associated from Northampton who supervised the works, gave a guided explanatory talk which was also attended by the general public. In the afternoon, David Coles, the architect handling the development of the buildings which is the subject of the Lottery Bid, also provided a very well-attended talk held in the courtyard.The small army of helpers was thanked who made the day run smoothly and to Catherine Rose and Jonathan Hunt for their poetry readings. Thanks were also extended to the Olney Singers, leader Richard Heyes, who performed throughout the day. The entertainments were greatly enjoyed. The sun shone and people were generous in their donations and praise for the newly restored facade. It was a good PR day.

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