The Cowper and Newton Museum
Thanksgiving Dinner 2001
The Thanksgiving Dinner was a great success. The Olney Centre was packed to capacity with a reception followed by a traditional American meal. It was enjoyed by all. The hall was attractively decorated and American music was played throughout the meal. Then Sir Nigel Mobbs, Lord Lieutenant of Buckinghamshire and also Patron of the Museum's Appeal Fund introduced Lord Armstrong as guest speaker. He provided several anecdotes about his time as the then 'Sir Humphrey', Head of the Civil Service. Lord Armstrong also gave an illuminating insight to many of the tasks and perils of running a small, independent museum. His rallying cry was that we should not stand still but move with the times.It was an enjoyable evening - it has been suggested that it becomes an annual event. The Project team will have to consider this thought when the dust has settled - it was certainly financially profitable and an entertainment that was proven to be much in demand.