As a Millennium project some members of the Towcester and District Local History Society undertook to restore the Roll of Honour in St. Lawrence's Church, Towcester. This Roll of Honour probably dates from just after the first World War. It was titled "S. Lawrence's Church, Towcester - Roll of Honour - Of Men serving in H.M. Navy and Army from the Parish and Hamlets".
The original, hand written on paper and framed in glass, had become stained and water damaged making it very difficult to read. As far as possible names and regiments were checked for validity, and the whole document was reproduced at life size. The new Roll of Honour was framed, back to back, with the original and was re-dedicated at the Remembrance Day Service at St. Lawrence's Church on Sunday 13th November 2000.
The next two Web pages contain the list of names sorted alphabetically and by regiment.