Museum sign
The Cowper and Newton Museum
Virtual Tour
Gilpin House, on the left, and Orchard Side (coloured) Rear View of Orchard Side
(18th century stonework coloured)
Outside the Museum

You are standing (virtually!) in Olney Market Place, facing South and looking at the Museum.

The museum was originally two separate Georgian houses with earlier traces. Standing facing the building from the Market Place, the right-hand side house, known as Orchard Side was the home of poet, translator, letter writer and gardener William Cowper, from 1768-1786. Cowper's home was entered through a pedimented front door (on the right). The entrance to the passageway between the two houses is also pedimented. The other house, now called Gilpin House, is where Cowper's servant lived - and a thousand rats, according to Cowper!

To see more pictures of Orchard Side and to find out more about the history of Orchard Side and the Museum, use these links:

Inside the Museum

At the moment you can visit the Hall, the Parlour, the Newton Room, the Costume Gallery, and Cowper's bedrom. The guided tour visits the rooms in that order and follows the chronology of Cowper's life.

Other rooms will be added to the virtual tour in due course.

You can navigate from room to room using the floorplan above, or...

...you can begin the guided tour by knocking on Cowper's front door, above.

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