The Cowper and Newton Museum
Complete Plants Catalogue: PART 10


The catalogue has been split into 10 pages with about 20 plants on each:
Items: 1-20 21-40B 41-60 61-80 81-100 101-120 121-140 141-160 161-180 181-205

This alphabetical index covers all of the pages:
Plant Name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T V

181. STOKESIA LAEVIS Stokes' Aster Cornflower Aster Mauve and white forms.
From N. America in 1766. Midsummer H1.5ft Sun

182. SUCCISA PRATENSIS Devil's Bit Scabious
British native wild flower, used to cure almost anything, The Devil was so annoyed at its curative properties that he bit off its root accounting for its shortness. June/July H2ft Sun

Native plant, long used as a herbal cure, edible vegetable and as animal fodder. In early times used as a paste (from the ground roots) to set bones, hence its other common names of Knitbone and Boneset. The white form is now rare. Self seeds H3-4ft Sun or Shade

184. SYRINGA PERSICA Persian Lilac
Grown in England since 1624. Neat shrub with 3" panicles of very fragrant lilac flowers in late May H7ft Sun or shade

Native plant, the aromatic leaves of which have a variety of herbal uses including curing migraine and fevers. Aromatic, bright golden foliage with white single daises from June to September. H1ft Sun

Native Herb. It was a very old custom in country places to eat tansy-pudding on Easter Sunday (made with the newly emerging leaves)

Known before 1548. Artemisia Dracunculus var. Sativa French or True Tarragon. Tarragon Artemisia Redowskii is the Russian Tarragon.

188. TEUCRIUM CHAMAEDRYS Common or Wall Germander
An ancient strewing herb and grown in this country at least since the 14th century. The bushy dark foliage is aromatic if rubbed. Small pink flowers in July and August. H2ft Sun

From S. Europe in 1714. A branching shrub with silver-grey leaves and blue flowers. H4ft Sun

190. THYMUS OFFICINALIS Culinary or CommonThyme
Known in Britain since 1550 A favourite herb for centuries, valued for its culinary merit and its curative properties. Although many of the Thymes come from the Mediterranean region, all are hardy, but they do appreciate a well-drained soil in full sun. As the plants are very robust they may be used between paving, in or over walls and on the rock garden. All flower in midsummer. H6" Sun

191. THYMUS PULEGIODES Broad Leaved thyme
H10" Sun

Introduced from America in 1731. Neat clumps of evergreen foliage, with spikes of frothy cream flowers in early summer. H9" Sun/shade.

193. TRADESCANTIA VIRGINIANA Spiderwort Trinity Plant
One of many plants named after John Tradescant and brought by him from Virginia in 1629. Sedge-like foliage with clusters of three-petalled purple flowers throughout summer. H1.5ft Sun

The Tulip appears to have reached England about 1578. The oldest variety still obtainable is TULIPA KEIZERSKROONA, said to date from 1680. Red/Yellow flowers in May H2ft Sun

The Parrot Tulip first appeared in 1620, but was regarded as a monstrosity and fell from favour until much later. TULIPA FANTASY being the nearest one can get today to the original type. Pink/Green H24" Sun

195. VALERIANA PHU AUREA Golden Valerian
From E. Europe in 1597. Insignificant white flowers follow the golden foliage of spring and early summer. H2.5ft Sun/shade

196. VERBASCUM Mullein
Two forms, with white or yellow flowers, which grow like a weed in this garden, but are much admired by visitors. H2.5ft. Sun/shade.

Occasionally, V. Thapus, the very tall common mullein, native plant with soft hairy leaves, and yellow flowers. H4ft Sun

197. VERBENA BONARIENSIS Patagonian Verbena
Introduced from Brazil and Argentina in 1732. Very upright plants, with clusters of purple scented flowers on branching stems in late summer and autumn. H4ft Sun

Brought to Britain in 1784 from the Caucasus. Neat mats of glossy dark green foliage with 1ft spikes of pale blue flowers in May and June Sun/shade

199. VERONICA LONGIFOLIA Garden Speedwell
From Central Europe and Asia in 1731. H4ft. Sun

200. VIBURNUM OPULUS COMPACTUM Guelder Rose European Snowball Bush
Decidious native shrub White flowers June to July and red fruits into winter H5ft Sun or part shade

201. VINCA MINOR Lesser Periwinkle
A native or naturalised plant with blue, purple or white flowers. Good ground cover. H9" Sun/shade

202. VINCA MINOR ATROPURPUREA Dark Purple Red Lesser Periwinkle
Deep purple flowers H9" Sun/shade

203. VINCA MINOR VARIGATA Variegated Lesser Periwinkle
Pale blue flowers. H9" Sun/shade

204. VIOLA ODORATA Native Sweet Violet
Used in cookery in Medieval times and strewn in rooms to disguise unpleasant smells H4" Sun/shade

205. VIOLA TRICOLOUR Heart's Ease
This name for the wild pansy, was recorded by Turner in 1548. H9" Sun/shade

The catalogue has been split into 10 pages with about 20 plants on each:
Items: 1-20 21-40B 41-60 61-80 81-100 101-120 121-140 141-160 161-180 181-205

This alphabetical index covers all of the pages:
Plant Name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T V

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