The Cowper and Newton Museum
Complete Plants Catalogue: PART 8


The catalogue has been split into 10 pages with about 20 plants on each:
Items: 1-20 21-40B 41-60 61-80 81-100 101-120 121-140 141-160 161-180 181-205

This alphabetical index covers all of the pages:
Plant Name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T V

141. PHYSOSTEGIA Obedient Plant
So called because the individual white snapdragon-like flowers stay in the position once they are moved. Grown in England since 1620. July-September flowering. Prefers a moist soil. H3ft Sun or light shade

142. PLATYCODON GRANDIFLORUS Balloon Flower Chinese Bellflower
Discovered in China in 1782. The young flowers resemble hot-air balloons before they open into 2" bell-flowers. Blue or white single flowers. H3ft Sun

So called because of the right-angled structure of the bright green leaflets. Native plant with blue or white flowers, blooming early summer. H1.5ft Sun

A native of Britain, Europe and Asia. Arching stems with drooping pearl-like flowers, which bloom in May/June. Prefers a cool spot H3ft Sun/shade. Poisonous

145. POTENTILLA RECTA Sulphur Cinquefoil
Known in Britain since 1648. Upright stems with yellow flowers in midsummer. If cut down after flowering will often produce a second flush later. H1.5ft Sun

A European alpine grown in gardens since the 15th century. H6" Sun/Shade

147. PRIMULA ELATIOR The true Oxlip
A rare native. Similar to the Cowslip but with large and paler flowers. H10" Sun/shade

148. PRIMULA VERIS Cowslip
A favourite British native of meadows . H9" Sun/Shade

From the Mediaeval Latin "Prima Rosa", the first "Rose" to flower. H6" Sun/Shade

150. PRUNUS AVIUM PLENA Double flowered wild Cherry Tree.
Up to 20ft Sun

151. PULMONARIA ANGUSTIFOLIA Narrowleaved Lungwort Blue Cowslip
Deep blue flowers in spring H9" Sun/shade

A Tudor cottage garden plant with silver spotted leaves and pink and blue flowers H1ft Sun/shade

Evergreen wall shrub with white flowers in summer and red berries in autumn/winter. H10ft. Any position

154. RICINUS COMMUNIS Castor Oil Plant
Listed in Furber's 1730 Catalogue, but known since c1548 as 'Palma Christi'. An annual, growing to 6ft, with large bronze leaves and a small red lower spike. Lasts until the autumn frosts cut it down. Sun

155. ROSA ALBA - CELESTIAL White Celestial
Double pale pink flowers, with soft grey-green foliage. Alba roses have been cultivated since Roman times, remarkably hardy, and thriving in the poorest soils.

156. ROSA ALBA - MAIDEN'S BLUSH Maiden's Blush
Known on the Continent as Cuisse de Nymphe (Nymph's Thigh) and when particularly deep in colour, as Cuisse de Nymphe Emue.; La Seduisante; La Virginal; Incarnata; Turner in 1551 knew this variety as the Incarnacion Rose - 'carnation' in those days meaning flesh-coloured.

Rosa Alba Regalis. One of the best Alba Roses dating back to 1499 at least. Large tightly packed double flowers of pale flesh pink, wonderfully scented, borne freely over the summer. 6ft. Sun

R. alba is now believed to be descended from R. damascena, its parent on the female side being a white form of the dog-rose, R. canina - the one side-entrance by which this species has slipped into the mainstream of our garden roses. The White Rose is a very ancient flower, known and cultivated by the Romans and often represented in the paintings of the Italian Renaissance. Although occasionally found wild in Britain, it is not a native here; the date of its introduction is not known, but it is generally assumed that the white rose of York was an alba. Later it became the badge of the Jacobites, partly because of its age-old association with the Royal House of France, and partly because it was the emblem of secrecy. This goes back to a very early date - when Cupid bribed Harp crates with a golden rose to keep silent about the affairs of his mother, Venus; or perhaps when the Romans, relaxing after dinner in their rosy garlands, indulged in gossip that was not to be repeated in the morning. It became customary in northern countries to suspend a rose over the table at any private and momentous conference; and later it was carved on the ceilings of banqueting halls and over the doors of confessionals. Why a white rose should become particularly associated with this symbolism is not explained, but in various works on the language of Flowers it is always a white rose with two buds that stands for secrecy. (A dried white rose, on the other hand, means 'Death preferable to loss of Innocence'). Long after the last echoes of the 'Fifteen' and 'Forty-Five' had died away, devoted adherents of the lost Jacobite cause still wore a white rose on the birthday of the Old Pretender, the 10th June. Not all the alba roses are white, though most are light in colour; the best-known variety is probably the Maiden's Blush.

157. ROSA GALLICA VERSICOLOR Rosa Mundi French Rose Versicolor
Often called the Apothecary's Rose. Well known in the 13th century. Large open double flowers streaked and splashed in pale pink and crimson. Good scent H5ft Sun

158. ROSA - LA BELLE SULTANE Rosa Gallica Violacea
An 18th century rose with large single deep pink flowers which darken with age and have a superb scent. Very upright and vigorous, with a tendency to run H6ft Sun

159. ROSA PAUL'S HIMALAYAN MUSK Paul's Himalayan Musk
An old English favourite datingback to before 1739. Hanging sprays of 1.5" pale pink flowers, strongly scented. Vigorous climber to 30ft. Sun

160. ROSA PIMPINELLIFOLIA DOUBLE PINK Burnet Rose Scotch Briar Native.
Double forms made their appearance around 1800. Pale pink in early summer, followed by black hips. H2ft Sun

The catalogue has been split into 10 pages with about 20 plants on each:
Items: 1-20 21-40B 41-60 61-80 81-100 101-120 121-140 141-160 161-180 181-205

This alphabetical index covers all of the pages:
Plant Name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T V

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