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Guided Tour of St Laud's Church

St Laud's Church
Outside Tour

Select a number on the map
1 - Start the tour 2 - Lych Gate 3 - Churchyard 4 - Tower 5 - Church Entrance 6 - Cheyne Memorial 7 - Cemetery 8 - New Extension Inside tour
Inside Tour

Click here to go to 2 - Lych Gate

3 - The Churchyard

Click here to go to 4 - Tower

Path through Churchyard

From the Lych Gate, the path continues through the churchyard to the main entrance to the Church.

Some of the oldest gravestones within the graveyard are situated in this part of the churchyard. However, a fair number of the original gravestones have been removed.

On the South wall of the Church there are a couple of scratch dial clocks in the wall. These were used by the bell ringers before the clock was installed into the tower so they knew when to start ringing the bells for the services.

Move the mouse pointer off and on the image to see the dial more clearly

Move the mouse pointer over the image above to see an enhanced view.

A second sundial on the wall.

Click here to go to 2 - Lych Gate

Back to Church End

Click here to go to 4 - Tower

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Latest Revision: 29 December 2006