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SHS Meeting Minutes 100


Notes from the Sherington Historical Society Committee Meeting No. 100
Held on the 20th January, 2009


Present: Mark Vale, Kay Turrell, Pearl Teasdale, Caroline Leslie and Sheila Quinn.

The minutes of meeting 99 were read and duly signed by MV.

Matters Arising:

Newsletter: MV has not received a copy. Neither have Diana and Richard Morgan. SAQ to check whether copies sent by email have “arrived”.

Wake Up To Partnership:
PT confirmed that we have not paid to be members of WUTP. We have received some useful display boards from Tony Pilcher of WUTP.

Walk for Newport Pagnell Historical Society:
Avril Atkinson has sent a note to MV giving details of the contact name and telephone number of the member of NPHS organising the walk which Philip Smith has agreed to lead. There is, however, a question mark over the date – which appears to be Sunday 21st June. A check is to be made..

January Jolly:
26 members have signed to attend the January Jolly at the White Hart on Tuesday, 27th January. PT and SAQ to finalize numbers and menu choices with Giles (at the WH).

February Meeting: Film Show Tribute to the late Peter Gardner (Tuesday, 10th Feb., 2009.):
KT and MV have produced posters which CL will distribute around the village. Refreshments and raffle as usual. Alice Gardner and her family to be our guests for the evening.

February SCAN:
SAQ to submit an article for the February SCAN advertising the February Film Show. Poster also to be in SCAN. The AGM on the 9th March will also be advertised. The AGM will be followed by an exhibition featuring photographs etc. of the Sherington on Show day. Entrance was agreed at £1 for both members and non-members, to include refreshments. Appeal to be made for photographs taken on the day.

Future SCANs:
Richard Morgan has suggested he makes a file on Sherington Farms in the post WW2 period.
SAQ to email Gillian Nursaw-Smith requesting the second part of her family history serial.
KT to ask Oliver Powell if he would write an article about the ROC Post.

2009/10 Calendar:
Open Day to be 3rd October, 2009. CL suggested we feature the outbreak of WW2 (September, 2009 will be the 70 anniversary). KT suggested the title “Don’t Mention the War!” Doors to be open to the public 12noon – 5pm.
A Society picnic will be held at Yew Tree Farm in June. Village Hall not needed.

E-mails: We have received emails enquiring about the Tatham and Griggs families. SAQ to acknowledge. Philip Smith to be asked about Tatham family.

AOB: Caroline Leslie has produced, at the request of Michael Cook, a water colour painting of Mercers Farm as he remembers it during his childhood post WW2. The original is to be scanned into the computer for possible future use as a notelet.

The meeting closed at 10:05pm
Next Meeting: Tuesday, 24th February


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Latest Revision: 26 April 2009