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SHS Meeting Minutes 12


Sherington Historical Soc.


Minutes of the meeting held at 8-00pm, in the Sherington sports pavilion 10, 1. 2001.

Those present Norman Arnold Jesse Line

Anita Arnold Sheila Line

Gail Waters Mark Vale

Kay Turrell Oliver Powell

Sheila Quinn

Apologies Helen Vale Michael Tofts

Sue Tofts.

  1. The most important Item on the agenda. Concerns the Sports Pavilion. It was so COLD!!!, even with 2 heaters going it just got colder & colder. Norman had found that the village may be available on Tuesday evenings, through the default of another user group. If this was correct, the members present unanimously agreed, that SHS should change their meeting night & use this opportunity to meet in the Sherington Village Hall on Tuesdays. Need to check with the booking clerk, Viv Risby.
  2. A meeting has been arranged with Francis Gomme, from Bucks Community Action, who can advise us on the procedure for obtaining a grant from the Heritage Initiative, or somewhere else. This has been confirmed by a letter, & with grateful thanks to the Sherington Bowls Club, who have allowed us to use the committee room, in the Village Hall, this will be between 2pm - 4pm, we would hope that at least 6 members can be present. Just to put you a little in the picture, although we have raised by the sale of our booklet, & subscriptions etc. just over £200, we have spent half of this on:- 9 lever arch files, 6 of which are full. We have used well over 1500 plastic pockets & could use a lot more. A guesstimate is we have used at least a couple of reams of paper for typing data, letters etc. & 3 or 4 reams for photocopying. ( for the pages in the various albums, & copies of info. loaned to us). At least a dozen films processed, for copying original postcards & photos. At lest half of the photo copying has been done for free by myself & Alan Barber. Numerous ring binders obtained at car boot sales & so it goes on. C-d roms & lots of floppies for storage. Some items of greater value that we might like to own as a society, are, a cupboard for our files, £100; a photocopier of our own, £400; a digital camera, £400 - £600; a computer, printer & scanner £1,000. We have been given a 4 drawer filing cabinet, by Enid. This is in the upstairs office of the village hall, & being used. As the SHS grows there will be need for insurance cover.
  3. Following on to this, negotiations are under way to use the V/hall office as a document storage centre for the village. (The negotiations are not by SHS, I hasten to add). At this time it a shared facility between the V/hall Management the Trustees & the Parish Council, & obviously this needs to be very carefully set up, if it is to be allowed by all parties concerned, to go ahead.
  4. Tuesday 10th April. The date of our first AGM. We do hope that you all will make a serious attempt to attend this, the most important meeting. There was discussion about how to use the evening. Mark made the observation that as it would be our first AGM it should not take a great deal of time, the main business being the election of officers. So what to do with the rest of the evening. It was -agreed to ask Enid to approach Phil Smith to give us a one hour (approx) talk on Sherington. (Or the subject of his choice). This would be open to the rest of the village. But if you have any further ideas please put them forward. A suggestion was voiced that Philip & Peter Gardner be made hon. members.
  5. A set of 12 Edith Lucas prints have been given to SHS by an anonymous donor. To whom we give our grateful thanks. Thanks published in the Scan.
  6. We have received two 1944-45 home guard photos, these came to Mark over the inter-net, through our web-pages. One photo a large battalion group, the other 9 village members, of these we so far have named 8. Really good quality pictures. We have had good responses, about our web-site, from Australia, Southern Africa & America, & of course the UK. so far. All very complimentary. Mark has already built the next pages & they are due to go on line any day now.
  7. 10 more school group photos have been loaned to us, & copied. Total now 17 years covered. Also some of the pre-school groups have been made available.
  8. The first volume of Village People is now full, & the second is well under way, thanks to the surplus photos, from the Millennium Album project, courtesy of John Cook & his team.
  9. Norman had a meeting with Brian Holpin, ex manager of Rogers Engineering. This has produced half a dozen local pictures & an excellent aerial view of the whole of the works & surrounding properties.
  10. The second edition of the Sherington Murder booklet is ready to go to the printers. The prospective printers New Bradwell Reprographics, also prints the Scans, & we may be able to fill in a few gaps in our Scan library.
  11. Sheila Line has spoken to Christine Bearman, regarding the children’s newspaper booklet. We have a very small matter to resolve, Christine would like the spelling errors corrected, but SHS prefer to keep the articles historically correct. We will ask in Scan whether any of the past pupils involved have any objections to having these works published, but not draw attention to the Grammatical In-exactitudes. Mike Tofts had no objection to his errors being published.
  12. A letter has been received from MK Heritage, to compile a list of speakers & a help list, we will be able to give this some input when we are a bit more established.
  13. From note 1) Yes the village hall is available on Tuesday evenings & we are now booked for the 2nd Tuesday in each month, in the village hall. This is now confirmed & permanent. The cost to the society will be £10-80 (I think) that is for 2 hrs, the minimum time. On our attendance figures so far, this will mean that we will be subsidising the meetings from other sources. But we could not go on at the sports pavilion, during the Winter months. the alternative meant suspending our activities throughout the cold season. A letter will be sent to the Parish Council thanking them for their hospitality.

The meeting closed at 9-20pm, frozen solid. The next meeting will be at Sherington Village Hall on Tuesday,13th February 2001 at 8-00pm.

Norman Arnold.


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