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SHS Meeting Minutes 49



Tuesday 2nd November 2004, 24 School Lane, 7-30 pm.

Present: Norman Arnold, Pearl Teasdale, Mark Vale & Sheila Quinn.

  1. An anonymous person: left a full set of plans for the Newport Pagnell and Sherington Bypass at Sheila's on Saturday. Thankyou Mr(s) Anon!!
  2. December Meeting: As usual the December Meeting will be our Christmas Social Evening with nibbles and wine. The members are to be asked to bring nibbles and the Society will provide the wine. SAQ is to buy the wine, sausage rolls and crisps and mince pies. A "theme" was discussed and Pearl suggested we ask Enid Pepper to organise her "Bits of the Village" photograph competition. All in favour - Pearl to see Enid. Enid has agreed to do this, Mark will provide music - electronic not personal vocals!!!
  3. Plans for End Farm: Norman has acquired copies of the plans for the barn redevelopment at End Farm. at a cost of £3-80. Alan Davis has spoken to Norman and he considers that the farm layout at present is as it was when originally built in 1800-1810. The middle (inner) courtyard was the threshing area. NA is to photograph the farm and will advise MK Council.
  4. SHS Website: NA has received numerous emails from Ian Collinge who has altered and restructured our website. The work continues. The 1841 census is not complete on the website as it only gives heads of households, but will be completed as soon as possible.
  5. Insurance: SHS to pay our amount of the Village Hall premium. Our cover is for just over £600.
  6. Postcards/photographs: Further ariel photographs are available from Simmons Aerofilms at a cost of £32.50 + VAT each. Norman had a sample photocopy of 8 and it was decided that we purchase 5 at a total cost of £190.94. We already have 1 of the pictures. The money we received from the 2003 Village Fete will cover the cost.
  7. Christmas Cards NA has produced an extremely attractive Christmas Card using the Village Embroidery . He has also produced packs of small cards and notelets. The large cards will retail at £1.50 each and the small cards and notelets at £1.95 for packs of 4. It was decided that he will initially produce 24 large cards and 12 packs each of the small cards and notelets.
  8. Christmas Bazaar A stall has been booked and Sheila Line has offered to man it. SAQ will also possibly be able to help. Our Christmas cards and notelets will be on sale as well as the Murder Booklets and School Booklets. The table fee is £5 but as well as selling cards etc. being there will remind villagers of our existence. A good PR event.
  9. Fete 2005 Plans are already being made and NA hopes that we will have the same facilities as 2003. We will have to decide on the theme. And SHS will run the village quiz, the format of this to be decided.

S.A.Q. & N.A.


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