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SHS Meeting Minutes 95


Notes from the Sherington Historical Society Committee Meeting No. 95, 19th August 2008


Present: Mark Vale, Kay Turrell, Pearl Teasdale, Caroline Leslie and Sheila Quinn.

The minutes of meeting 94 were agreed and signed by MV.

Matters Arising:

Natalie Dimmock: SAQ has replied to Natalie Dimmock advising her that her mother’s ashes were scattered inside the lych gate of St. Laud’s church. It was an unofficial scattering and, therefore, not recorded.

Chairman’s Report:
Website: MV reported that Ian Collinge has added Chibnell’s maps dated 1300 and 1580 on the website.

Heritage Association: The MKHA AGM is on the 17th September at 8pm. Our subs of £30 will be due.

Community Liaison Officer: An email has been received from Faye Toms who is responsible for producing the monthly Parish and Town Newsletter. Items of interest (i.e. events) can be advertised in the newsletter by email at or by telephoning MKBC ext. 4154. The deadline is the 23rd of each month and the newsletter is distributed to the clerks of Parish and Town Council.

Treasurer’s Report:
A donation of £25 is to be made to SCAN this Month.

Sheila Line to be reimbursed for the cost of the flowers for the SHS arrangement she did for the Flower Festival. SAQ to write a letter of thanks.

January Jolly:
It was decided that non-members accompanying members will pay an extra amount (e.g. £5) on top of the meal cost to cover their first drink offered to members by the Society.

September SCAN:
Article regarding September Open Day to be sent to Betty Feasey. Scarecrow results also to be published.

Open Day: 27th September: We will be open to the public between 12noon and 4:30pm. This will give us time to clear the hall before the Twinning Assn. booking for the evening. Suggestions for hall layout: tables to be arranged at an angle; raffle table to be positioned near to the door. It is hoped that Ray Bailey and Ian Collinge will again provide their photograph copying service, which proved to be very popular last year.

Sherington on Show 11th October: SAQ has spoken to Jill Burgess and advised her that we will require a table and a standing board, preferably close to the embroidery and a power socket. In addition to archives we will display our notelets, booklets and membership forms. A suggestion was made that we could produce some more laminated tapestry pictures.

AOB: MK Community Foundation Car Raffle. It was decided that we will decline the invitation to sell raffle tickets on the stand for the car raffle. SAQ to write accordingly.


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Latest Revision: 26 October 2008