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SHS Meeting Minutes - 7th AGM


7th AGM Meeting

Sherington Historical Society 13th March 2007

Sherington Village Hall 7.45 – 8pm.

Apologies: Ella Field, Roy Eydon, Oliver Powell, Helen Vale, Enid Pepper, Pat and Shelia Quinn.

Present: Committee and Members, Mark Vale, Caroline Leslie, Pearl Teasdale, Kay Turrell, Anita Arnold, Brian Hansford, Eileen West, Ray Bailey, Peter Gardner, Philip Smith, Gail Wood, Gillian Nursaw Smith, Ted Pepper, Ian Collinge, Diana Morgan,
Members of the Public, Marion Palmer, John Grant, Billy Lovell, Ann Hojnor, Gill and John Burgess, Pam and Alan Simms, Barbara Smith and Jean Chambers.

Mark opened the meeting. Copies of the 2006 AGM meeting were circulated. Mark asked if every one was satisfied that they were a true and accurate record.

Proposed by Mr Philip Smith
Seconded by Pearl Teasdale

Mark Vale acting Chairman presented his report. (copy attached - see below)

Secretary’s report. Copy attached written by Kay Turrell. This was not read out at the meeting as it was agreed by Mark and Kay that that Mark would cover all the items relating to the previous year in his report. Kay did however thank Sheila in her absence for her work, preparing articles for SCAN and producing the newsletters after Norman had passed away in October.

Treasurer’s Report. Pearl presented a balance sheet of the accounts. The accounts have not been audited but this would be done. Pearl went on to say that it had been Normans wish to build up a balance of money to put towards a building for the SHS archive. A copy of the Balance sheet is attached. £1,991,15.

Accounts proposed by Brian Hansford.
Seconded by Gillian Nursaw Smith.
Mark asked the floor for a volunteer to audit the accounts for 2007, (to be decided)

Change to Constitution .5 to read 4 members (not 3) To include the named position of Vice Chairman.

Proposed by Diana Morgan
Seconded by Caroline Leslie

Election of Officers: Mark asked if there were any more nominations from the floor for committee members.
It was proposed that Mark Vale would be Chairman, Kay Turrell would be Vice Chairman, Pearl Teasdale would be Treasurer, Sheila Quinn would be Secretary and Caroline Leslie would be a member and these persons would be the new committee.

Proposed by Ted Pepper
Seconded by Anita Arnold

Matters Arising – There were no matters arising.

A.O.B. There was no other business

Philip Smith thanked the committee for continuing on the work of the society after Norman’s passing last October.

Mark thanked every one for coming, saying refreshment would be served followed by the drawing of the raffle. He thanked Pearl for providing the refreshments, especially her scones.. Ray Bailey would then show his slides of Old Sherington for which he thanked Ray at the end of the meeting. The meeting closed at 10 pm.

Signed and accepted as a true record of the 2007 AGM



AGM 2007: Acting Chairman Report

As was remarked to me a little while ago, tradition is a thing that is done more than once, so the start of the Acting Chairman's Report should start by saying welcome to the 7th AGM of the Sherington Historical Society and that I will try and keep this as brief as possible.

Kay will have a fuller account of the events that the Society went through later in the meeting so I will try and keep this part as succinct as I can, but as acting Chairman, there are a few duties I would like to perform even if this means repetition.

As I said earlier this is our seventh AGM, the number seven in some cultures is seen as a powerful number, Seven Deadly Sins, The Seven Ages and The Seven Wonders of the World are three that come to mind, but the one that comes to the fore is The Seven Year Itch.

What a year of highs and lows we have seen this year. The Open Day in September was a wonderful achievement. The exhibition displayed over 135 pictures, by 32 artists, spanning 150 years, all who live in or painted Sherington with an estimated number of visitors being between 250-300. To be able to put such a show on goes down the commitment and dedication of a team of people that put this together. With an event such as this, with the numbers involved it is not easy to name all involved, but I think that Caroline Lesley and Kay Turrell need to be thanked specially as without their input nothing would have happened.

After we were still on the high of the Open Day in September we had the low in October of Norman Arnold's passing. A lot has been said already about Norman's involvement in the SHS, but the fact was that the idea of the SHS was his and he was the driving force behind it. How ironic that he should leave us in our seventh year. But he had set up a solid organisation that would be able to continue after his involvement. A legacy to be truly proud off!

I would like to offer out thanks to the many that have helped the SHS in the last year. I would like to thank the Committee in pulling together in the time of need, no to mention performing their own roles so admirably, so to Pearl, Kay, Sheila and Caroline I say thank you. I would like to thank the ladies and gents that have helped provide raffles and refreshments to our meetings. I would like to thank our speakers last year, so in no particular order, Leslie Williams, thanks you for the Family History Talk, Philip Smith for being most excellent as ever and to Ray Bailey for a superb talk about Newport Pagnell as well as for the show after the AGM. To all I say on behalf of the SHS: Many Thanks.

I would like to thank Ian Collinge, who without his dedication to our website, would be very soon out of date and a poor reflection to the Village, but with his efforts gives us something to be very proud of. To give some idea of the effect that Ian is having we are on average the 3 most popular Heritage web site in Milton Keynes, and in December we got over 11,484 page views

Lastly I would like to thank the members as without them there would be no SHS.

Looking at the year ahead, there are a number of plans being drawn up already. We are hoping to continue with the Scarecrow Competition, a trip to a dramatised walk in Grafton Regis in the summer as well as a possible trip to Waddesdon Manor.

As this year seams to be a year of anniversaries, with Milton Keynes being 40 years old, the new Sherington School this year will have been open for 50 years and the Pre-School now having its doors open for 35 years, I am sure that we will all be busy supporting and recording these events in this year.

Well I have tried to be brief as I can so to the next item on the agenda.


Secretary’s Report 7th A.G.M Sherington Historical Society

The months have flown by again. Casting a glance back at what I’ve been up to in the last 14 months brings home what a busy lot we are.
Besides the obvious minute taking, phone calls and attending committee meetings in the earlier part of last year, there were some memorable events in the past 14 months.

Leslie Williams came to talk about researching family history it got me thinking it was time to get researching my own. The society has installed a copy of Family Tree maker on the PC which will enable us to enter the family trees of village people.

In June I personally got involved with judging the scarecrow competition with Norman and Philip. It was hard job as over 40 scarecrows were entered, it was again a great success and I look forward to this years.

Members went on an outing to Stockwood Park on the 17th September it was of great interest. I along with other members was able to view the dioramas by Tom Ivester Lloyd and took pictures of his work in readiness for our annual Open Day on the 30th September. This event was based on ‘Sherington Artists’ we could never have imagined what a brilliant success it was. Everyone who got involved contributed in making it a day to remember. Special thanks to Caroline Leslie who was co opted on to the committee to help with this event and who continues to produce water colour painting for the society to produce into notelets and cards.

Sadly in October Norman suddenly passed away and we had to make a few changes for the society. Sheila Quinn offered to take over preparing the newsletter, article for SCAN and taking the minutes, I spend time in the archive in the office upstairs. Thanks go to Mark for standing in as chairman at meetings and to committee other members who have come forward with offers of help to keep the society going forward.

The year’s calendar couldn’t pass by without a slide show. Two members gave their time freely in November, thanks to Philip and Ray for showing us views of Sherington and Newport Pagnell.

Thanks to every one who helped produce the Christmas cards for 2006. They were a great success.

In January 22 members enjoyed a meal and a tipple or two at the Swan, on the High street.

Thanks go to Pearl for her account keeping and wonderful refreshments, especially the scones.
One last thank you goes to Ian Collinge who helps keep our web site up to date. Sherington’s history past and present can be shared with like minded people all over the world because of his commitment.

So here’s to 2007.

S.H.S. 7th AGM


13th March 2007 at 8 pm Sherington Village Hall


1) Convene the meeting

2) Confirm and sign the minutes for the previous AGM

Proposed by…………………….
Seconded by ……………………

3) Acting Chairman’s Report.

4) Secretary’s Report

5) Treasurer’s Report

Audited by Mr Mark Vale
Proposed by ……………………
Seconded by……………………

Auditor for 2007
Name …………………………..
Proposed by ……………………
Seconded by……………………

6) Election of Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer, and Secretary.

Nominated by ………………….

Seconded by ……………………

Vice Chairman
Nominated by…………………..

Seconded by……………………

Nominated by………………….

Seconded by……………………


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Latest Revision: 15 March 2008